Jul 26, 2008

My studio session...

Holla...iak again...erm memula pening juga x tau cm mana nak create new blog ni maklum ah budak baru belajar kan.....ni saje je nak masuk kan pic time kt midvalley hari tu...sajer je for fun...ni pon dpt tangkap picture ni coz my sis yg comel tu lah dier tu pelik ah byk tol duit dier beli barang muka semua Kose' ...x per apa pon aku yg untung...then ni lah hasil nyer....

Jul 25, 2008

Me...My Self and always I....

Hi wow i guess this is sure damn my first blog...cewah baru nak belajo lah ni...ok hope i used to it...ler bukannyer reti sgt with this kind of stuff.....but ada hati gak kan....well " Zaman dah berubah " erm cm kenal jer tag line tu kan...hik hik hik tiru jap....ok ok ok stop i know when i start talking i can't stop bla bla bla....ok let me start with my sweet.....preety....long name which was given by my mom i believe...it's SHARIK MAY SARA JOHN RIDWAN LINCOLN....yes i know it's too long and wonder what should u call me rite? erm it's ok that's a frequent question i will heard after they read my name.....anyway just call me IKa....short simple and easy...and glamour i guess..... ;) ok my age coming 25 this coming 22nd August...fuh 1 mothns plus to go....owh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm getting Old? and soon become someone wife.....hehehhehe not really someone it's actually my fiancee ler who else....of course ler my sweet tall cute handsome...Haslam...cewah puji lebih...i know B...when u read this sure u will kembang....but i mean it....u are my everything...u are my sugar...u are my medicine...and in other words good or bad it's always come from u...hihihiihi.....ok ok actually i'm not suppose to start about my love life yet.....ok let me tell u about my family....yes my WOrld...heart and my soul.............daddy....mummy...sisters and brothers...erm bunyi cm banyak kan....and yes it is...i have 2 mom and dad...step mom and also step dad...and siblings yes....my eldest sister Shan....she's a lawyer...not bad huh...garang pon boleh tahan...but she's a good sister....sometime boleh tahan gak kedekut...hahahahah no just kidding...my brother shairazi a.k.a Boy.tu lagi sorang stubborn giler....suh study x nak my GOd sakit hati jer ngan dier tu....tu nak buat cm mana kan adik.....good or bad still my brother....oh ya....asyik citer about my family jer...almost forgot about my job...yerp proud to say...i'm an employee of SCB malaysia...hik hik hik just promoted...it's like a advance bithday present for me.....and today actually my farewell party sedih babe bila dgr my lovely boss bg speech about me puji lebih kembang juga aku d buatnyer..............but honestly i proud with my self ...yes ika u can do it..........ok lah...till now i'm bit tired nak tito....dah 1.00 a.m pon....kalu hubby tau x tito lagi sure kena marah....ops